Time Is My Enemy

I don’t have enough time, or patience, to wait for someone else to publish me. I feel the same way about making and distributing my films.

I have stories I need to tell and I need to get them out. If I submit them to agents or publishers I’m at their mercy. I have to wait. They always say you should 't do multiple submissions and yet agents send things to multiple publishers all the time, or so I’m told. If I get a rejection I have to start the process all over again. I don’t have time.

In the beginning…

I tried to get a distributor for my first feature film, BIRDDOG. It did well in film festivals and audiences loved it, but distributors weren’t interested because “no one famous was in it”, and they felt it was a little “dark”.

I had an educational distributor on an early documentary I did called, Criminal Justice, and they made a lot more money than I did. And I made the damn film! They were very honest and nice people but I was broke and living on hardly anything. I was looking at the statements and their cut was 75%, which is pretty standard, so I’m told.

Yes, they were doing a lot of work getting the film out to the educational market, but I was still in debt from making it. Eventually I took over distribution of it as well as my other films.

When it came to my books I decided early on, that I wanted control. I didn’t want anyone else telling me what I could or couldn’t include. Yes, I have an editor and test readers, but that’s different.

All of my books, films, and stories are personal. I’m invested in them. I believe it’s the rare individual that cares as much about your work as you do. Maybe they’re out there? I don’t know. I haven’t found one yet.

I don’t have time to look.


We all get some sort of rejection with our work. I always tell other artists and students, remember, rejection of your work is rarely personal. Someone didn’t like something you created. That’s fine, not every one does. But rejections, personal or not, take an emotional toll. Doubt creeps in. “Maybe I’m not really a writer or a filmmaker.” you think.

I don’t want to be waiting on the opinion of a third party to tell me if I’m any good or not because it's usually not about being good. It's about whether they think something I've created will sell. And sell a lot!

I don’t have time for that.

I work hard when I write, and re-write. I do a lot of drafts to make it as good as I can. And I have people I trust and respect read my work and give me feedback before it’s published.

I put my money where my mouth is. I put the book, or film, out myself and I promote it. I promote on social media and in the past I took my work out on the road on one of my tours to expose it to larger audiences.

I no longer tour because when I’m on the road for an extended period of time I can’t write or edit on my other books and films. I’m older now and know that I have a limited time to accomplish everything I want to do. I get more work done from home. I do film/record some of my readings and put those out on social media in an attempt to attract a new or larger audience.

After all these years I feel like I have a pretty good handle on my audience. I have some incredibly loyal followers and for that I’m grateful. I do wish it was larger and that’s why I continue to promote.

My Conclusion...

As a writer, filmmaker, or any type of artist, I believe we have to take control of our work. We have to take control of our livelihood. So many artists say they don’t want to be involved in the business side. That’s too bad because if you’re not aware and involved with the business side of your work then some people are going to take advantage of you.

I continue to push my work out there and let my readers/audience decide if they like it or not.

Life is short. I don’t have time to wait on others.

I tell people I’m an old punk. I believe in DIY.

Do I make a lot of money on my work? Over the years I’ve done okay. If someone else was publishing or distributing my work maybe it would have made more money. Would I have seen that money? Probably not because someone else would be taking a percentage. Every dime my work makes comes back to me. I no longer look at statements and see someone else getting the lion’s share of the money from things I have created.

You may disagree with me and that’s fine. I’m doing what I believe in.

If you believe in yourself, then get your work out there.

Don’t waste any more time.

Thanks for reading.

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My Morning Routine


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