Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

I Am Not A Fan

The last few times we went to a game together and there was a lull in the action, instead of being able to have a beer and talk, we were bombarded by “entertainment”. Games, give-a-ways, lucky numbers, and really loud music and announcers. We couldn’t have a conversation because of the sheer volume of everything that was going on, and our attention was constantly being diverted away from the actual game.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

Teaching Audio At A Porn Company

As you can imagine it takes a while to get used to talking to a room full of people as muted hardcore porn plays on the giant monitors in the back of the conference room. Which of course I’m facing.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

Was I Insane? Why I Toured With My Films And Books

In my pocket was enough money to get to my first stop, Boulder, Colorado. If I didn't make money there the tour was over. I literally didn't have enough money to get me to my next stop, or to get back home.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

Celebrating A Friend

Gary’s gift was being able to illustrate in words what it was like at a particular time in his life. He invited us into his world, a world that no longer exists as time moves forward. He made his past come to life and showed us where so many of his influences originated. He passed on July 21st.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

The Joys Of Reading For Pleasure

I was such a nerd that I formed a book club in the fifth grade with a few other kids. We would meet on Saturdays to talk about books. Did I mention I was in the FIFTH GRADE!

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

Amazon Is My Printer Not My Publisher!

People laugh when I tell them I prefer doing readings in bars, or places where my films are being shown or I’m teaching workshops. That’s because at those venues the money for my books, DVDs, and merchandise goes directly to me. One hundred percent.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

My Father Passed Away 5 Years Ago This Week

He was one of my biggest fans and supporters coming to all of my local screenings. He appeared in some of my films as well as a PSA I shot once for the Parks Department. He was very proud when people would recognize him at the grocery store from that PSA.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

Psycho Remake and Old Conversations

I shared a cutting room with Dick Oswald. Dick had started his career at Universal and had cut sound on the original Psycho and The Birds.

“What was the stabbing sound they used in the shower scene?”

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

It Seemed Like A Great Idea…

I stupidly thought I could knock this out in a month. Once I started, I realized I couldn’t half-ass any of the stories. I need to do it right and make each one of them able to stand on their own!

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

Fifty Years And Counting...

On June 18, 1974 I purchased a 1970 Toyota Land Cruiser after seeing an ad in the newspaper. I was seventeen and had just graduated high school. I paid $1700 cash and he gave me all of the other pieces he had for the car including the old fiberglass roof.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

I Do Not Like Elevators

The elevator suddenly stopped in the middle of its ascent. As the sun beat down I realized there was a baby among us. Then I realized the baby needed its diaper changed. Badly.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

My Morning Routine

Get up Grandpa. Grandpa get up!
Every morning at 6 am my bedroom door opens. There is a three foot tall silhouette, standing in the doorway.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

Time Is My Enemy

I tell people I’m an old punk. I believe in DIY. Life is short. I don’t have time to wait on others.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

Profiles In Courage

Rereading Robert Kennedy’s introduction so many years later I am reminded of how I felt as a kid. I really did think all things were possible.
In my own writing I tell stories of people that some refer to as “losers”. Those who have had a rough time and probably aren’t ever going to be “successful”. But how do we define success?

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

Searching For The Wrong-Eyed Jesus

It is a film that a lot of people may not like or as Chris stated, this film “as an example of a movie that immediately makes you question, “What the hell is going on here?”.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

What's It Really Like To Be An Independent?

For over 40 years I've loved what I do. I’ve worked with amazing people (and some schmucks) on great films, and have traveled more than I ever thought possible. With a valid passport in hand I can still pack a bag and be out the door in ten minutes. (Okay maybe 15 minutes...)

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

Great Opening Lines

Like any writer I work hard to come up with a good open. I firmly believe if you have a good opening line or paragraph it will draw readers in. It got me to thinking about great opening sentences in books that I’ve read.

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Kelley Baker Kelley Baker

The Economics of Touring - Angry Filmmaker Style - Part Two

And this was the trip where I blew a tire at 65 mph on the freeway and ended up having to replace two tires. Then my starter went out. And none of this happened while I’m in a decent sized city. All in the middle of nowhere, needless to say I paid a lot more for tires and a starter than I should have, but I had no choice…

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